About the Eight House Theory

The Eight House Theory:-

1. In general, it can be used to find out how suitable a house is to the breadwinner.

2. It is good to have good intangible force in the bedroom or locations where one spends more time at that sector.

If the sector is not as auspicious to one spouse but good for the other spouse; the spouse who has the "better" intangible force sleeps closer to that sector (shielding) the other partner.

Thus if North (bedroom) is an auspicious sector for the husband e.g. his health sector; while it is the disaster sector for the wife; then the husband sleeps closer to this sector.

The Eight House theory is mainly about the above two key concepts and does not have within it a `cure' for a bad location.

3. An added bonus is that it is good to sleep or work/study facing a good direction.



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