Introduction to The Flying Star Theory

The Flying Star Theory

Introduction to The Flying Star Theory

Most of us are already familiar with the Eight  Types of Houses Theory that makes use of both  the Pakua and the Luo Shu Grid to do a Feng Shui audit of a home. It is also called by several other names e.g. The Eight House Theory, The Eight Trigram Theory or The PakuaLuoshu  Formula.

This report utilises the Flying Star Theory and the Eight  House Theory to generate a very comprehensive report. The  report generates all the good and bad stars that affects  your house at different periods using the Flying Star Theory. In addition, it provides the analysis of the good and bad sectors of the owner or breadwinner's personal chart using the Eight House Theory. The combination of the Flying Star Theory and Eight House Theory will provide you with all the necessary information to take advantage of the benefits and to resolve the conflicts that you may encounter.

The Flying Star School of Feng Shui is an extension of the Eight Types of Houses Theory as it uses the Pakua and Luo Shui Grid and more. One unique requirement is the use of the `date of birth'  of the home to analyse the house.

What is the difference between the Eight House Theory and the Flying Star Theory?

The Eight House Theory is also common known as the Best Direction or the East/West person is to find a suitable house for a person. It is also good to sit facing one's best 4 good directions either for study or in the office.

The Flying Star Theory looks at the birthdate of a house and in a particular period e.g. between 1984 to 2003, a Feng Shui expert will look at a house looking for two stars `a mountain star' and `a water star' and the relationship of both with a base number.

The advantages of the Flying Star are:

It is used to find your home's current prosperity, very auspicious and inauspicious sectors e.g. fading prosperity, sickness area etc.

In addition to the aabove, if the two stars with auspicious numbers combined, a particular area is excellent and one should take advantage of this area. Some really good houses have even two or three of such good combinations.

The Flying Star theory also `spots' areas where there is a mountain star or a water star. If so, these areas have to be activated  in order to enhance the luck. To activate a mountain star, one has to place a solid object e.g. a paper weight with mass on the wall to symbolise a mountain. For areas that has a water star, e.g. a clear space as in the front main entrance of the house is good enough.

From the above, the Flying Star Theory is the traditional method Feng Shui Masters go around to evaluate houses:-

1. It takes into consideration time factor e.g. the age  of the building and period of assessment. This was used  to the explaination of the rise and fall of dynasties and empires.

2. When we consider the main entrance door, it is not simply the Eight cardinal points of North, South, East, West, North-East,  North-West, South-East and South West; but instead, sub-divide  each compass point into three sectors. Example For North, you must identify if it is at 0 degrees, 15 degrees or at 345 degrees and then you start to plot a mathemathical model  plus also calculate the movement of two other "Flying stars."

For example a sample calcuation of a house for a 20 Year Reigning Period: 1 (1864-1883)
House Direction: South-East

The House's Flying Star Chart in Period 1 (1864-1883):-





























































Note: The location highlighted in red represents your main door.

A Summary of your Flying Star:-



General Significance






Fading Prosperity



Education, Romance, Scandal



Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts



Long Gone Prosperity



Very Auspicious



Current Prosperity



Misfortunte Sickness



Very Auspicious


North-West direction - Generally this is your Sickness area. This means that if you spent too much time at this  location, most likely you will fall sick unless there is  an auspicious star in this location.

North direction - Generally this is your Fading Prosperity area. This means that your prosperity is on the decline.  It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

North-East direction - Generally this is your Education, Romance,  Scandal area. This location is good for the young especially  those who are studying.This location is good for the young  especially those who are studying unless there is an inauspicious star in this location. It also means that romance could occur or on the negative side, a scandal could occur.

West direction - Generally this is your Frequent Disputes, Quarrels, Conflicts area. Avoid spending too much time here unless there is an auspicious star in this location.

Center direction - Generally this square is your Long Gone Properity area. This means that you no longer enjoy prosperity in this square. The stars in this location does not affect your existing location.

East direction - Generally this is your Very Auspicious area. It is good to spent more time here provided there are no inauspicious star in this location.

South-West direction - Generally this is your Current Prosperity area. This means that you will enjoy lots of prosperity  unless there is an inauspicious star in this location. Congratulations! There are two very auspicious stars (6 and 8) that had combined together which bring very good fortune and happiness. Overall, because of the two very auspicious stars,  this is a GOOD location! It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star  works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the  location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf  at this wall.

South direction - Generally this is your Misfortune Sickness area. This means that if you sent too much time at this location, most likely you will fall seriously ill unless there are a combination of two lucky stars in this location. Congratulations! There are two very  auspicious stars (4 and 6) that had combined together which bring good fortune and prosperity. Overall, because of the two very auspicious stars, this is an GOOD location! It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms  or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star. The mountain star works only if an object is either hung on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed high on a shelf at this wall.

South-East direction - Generally this is your Very Auspicious area. It is good to spent more time here provided there  are no inauspicious star in this location. Congratulations! There are two very auspicious stars (8 and 1) that had combined together which bring continuous small amounts of luck. Overall, because of the two very auspicious stars, this is a GOOD location! It is very auspicious if this location is any of your rooms or your backdoor. As this is influenced by a mountain star.  The mountain star works only if an object is either hung  on the wall at the location or something with mass is placed  high on a shelf at this wall.

Why  is it called The Flying Star Theory?

The  movement of two stars on a LuoSho grid of 3 by 3 grid is  what gave the name of the theory i.e. The Flying Star Theory.  One star on Health and the other on Prosperity. In addition  you need to calculate the stars with a base number that represents either a good or bad location.



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